Learn To Dance Tips

Dance to Your Health

We as a world are more aware than ever of the importance of physical fitness to our overall health. […]

7 Great Reasons to Dance

When it comes to dance there are plenty of wonderful reasons that people elect to dance. The fact remains […]

Learn To Dance FAQs

Dance for Fun

We all have things in life we love to do. Some of these things we love more than others. […]

Salsa Dancing Course

Learn to Dance Info

Social Benefits of Salsa Dancing

Have you ever wanted to broaden your social circle but wasn’t sure how? The bar scene is tired. Shopping malls, grocery stores and churches are way too cliché. But have you ever thought of dancing? Yes, that’s right dancing! Dancing is one of the best social activities. Actually salsa dancing is one of the best ways to meet people and mingle in a fun, laid back, easy-going environment. If you visit any salsa dance club there are all types of people of all different age groups and […]

Learn to Dance the Salsa

The word “salsa” in Spanish means sauce. Salsa dancing is also known as slot dancing because couples don’t move around a large area of the dance floor; instead they stay in a more fixed or smaller area of the floor. So are you ready to learn Salsa dancing? The salsa has an eight beat pattern that is made up of two bars of four beats. The Salsa music is usually complicated and fast with around 180 beats per minute. The salsa pattern is generally one of three […]

Belly Dance Basics

Oriental Dance, also known as belly dancing is one of, if not the most sensual styles of dance. It is also one of the most beneficial forms of dance there is healthwise. In addition to the great calorie burning affect of belly dancing there are other health benefits that this form of dance has become famous for over the centuries. Belly dance has a long and proud history dating back to the dawn of civilization. This style of dance has in its history been used as both […]

Learn How to Dance

If there is one thing in life that is sure it is this. No one is born knowing how to dance. We all have an inner sense of rhythm and quite frankly some have it and some simply do not. It is true that not everyone is meant to dance competitively and some will never refine their skills enough to make their way out of the mosh pit. However, there are those who have that inner sense of balance and rhythm. With proper instruction and the right […]